
認識支氣管炎與肺炎 Is It Bronchitis or Pneumonia? 翻譯:王明純

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  • 急性支氣管炎。這會持續幾個星期,通常會自行消失。

  • 慢性支氣管炎。這是更嚴重的病。如果你吸煙,你更有可能得到它。




When a cold or the flu sets in, you probably know how it’s going to unfold. It starts maybe with that scratch in the back of your throat. You start to feel run-down. Next thing you know, you’re parked in front of the television with a box of tissues.

But when it comes to bronchitis and pneumonia, it might be a little harder to know what’s going on and how to tell them apart.

Bronchitis is when your bronchial tubes, which carry air to your lungs, get infected and swollen. There are two kinds:


  • Acute bronchitis. This lasts a few weeks and usually goes away on its own.

  • Chronic bronchitis. It’s more serious, and you’re more likely to get it if you smoke. In this article, we’re looking at acute bronchitis.


Pneumonia is another infection in your lungs, but instead of the bronchial tubes, you get it in tiny air sacs in your lungs called alveoli. It can be mild, but sometimes serious, especially for the very young, adults 65 or older, and people with weaker immune systems.

Learn more about these two conditions – see how they are alike and how they are different:

讓我們多了解這兩種疾病 - 看看他們的相似與差異性:




  • 胸悶塞,脹氣或堵塞

  • 咳嗽 - 你可能會咳出很多清澈,白色,黃色或綠色的粘液

  • 呼吸急促

  • 呼吸時發出鳴聲或呼嘯聲




  • 身體疼痛

  • 發冷

  • 感覺疲憊不堪

  • 流鼻涕,鼻塞

  • 喉嚨痛


即使在其他症狀消失之後, 咳嗽也會持續數週,這時您的支氣管會逐漸痊癒,腫脹消失。

Symptoms of Acute Bronchitis

You may have various problems with breathing, such as:


  • Chest congestion, where your chest feels full or clogged

  • Coughing -- you may cough up a lot of mucus that’s clear, white, yellow, or green

  • Shortness of breath

  • Wheezing or a whistling sound when you breathe


You may also have some of the typical cold or flu symptoms, such as:


  • Body aches

  • Chills

  • Feeling wiped out

  • Low fever

  • Runny, stuffy nose

  • Sore throat


Even after the other symptoms are gone, the cough can last for a few weeks as your bronchial tubes heal and the swelling goes down.




  • 產生粘稠的或顏色變深的粘液

  • 晚上讓你無法入睡

  • 持續3週以上




  • 口中的有惡臭味道

  • 發燒超過100.4 F (攝氏38)

  • 喘息或氣短


When to Call Your Doctor for Bronchitis

Call your doctor if your cough:


  • Brings up mucus that thickens or darkens in color

  • Keeps you awake at night

  • Lasts more than 3 weeks


You’ll also want to call your doctor if you have a cough and:


  • A foul-tasting fluid in our mouth

  • Fever over 100.4 F

  • Wheezing or shortness of breath





  • 咳嗽(你可能會出現黃色,綠色甚至血色的粘液)

  • 發高燒

  • 寒冷顫抖

  • 氣短(有些人只有在爬樓梯時才會發生)




  • 胸部疼痛(咳嗽或深呼吸時可能會出現刺痛或尖銳的疼痛)

  • 頭昏腦脹(65歲以上的成年人更常見)

  • 疲憊不堪

  • 頭痛

  • 大量出汗和濕黏的皮膚

  • 嘔吐或感覺像要嘔吐


Symptoms of Pneumonia

Pneumonia symptoms can be mild or severe based on what causes it, your age, and your overall health. The most common symptoms are:


  • Cough (you might bring up yellow, green, or even bloody mucus)

  • Fever

  • Shaking chills

  • Shortness of breath (for some people, this happens only when they climb stairs)


You may also have:


  • Chest pain (you might get a stabbing or sharp pain that’s worse when you cough or take a deep breath)

  • Confusion (more common for adults 65 and older)

  • Run-down feeling

  • Headache

  • Heavy sweating and clammy, damp skin

  • Throwing up or feeling like you might





  • 胸部疼痛

  • 發燒維持在102°F(攝氏38)或更高

  • 寒冷顫抖

  • 整天呼吸急促

  • 呼吸困難


When to Call Your Doctor for Pneumonia

Call your doctor if you have a cough that won’t go away or you’re coughing up pus. Other symptoms that could spur a call:


  • Chest pain

  • Fever that stays at 102 F or higher

  • Shaking chills

  • Shortness of breath as you go about your day

  • Trouble breathing





What Causes Bronchitis?

Most often, the same viruses that give you a cold or the flu also cause bronchitis. Sometimes though, bacteria are to blame.

In both cases, as your body fights off the germs, your bronchial tubes swell and produce more mucus. That means you have smaller openings for air to flow, which can make it harder to breathe.




  • 細菌

  • 某些化學品

  • 黴菌類

  • 黴漿菌,就像細菌,症狀比較溫和(有時稱為“ 步行肺炎 ”

  • 病毒(與感冒流感相同的病毒也會導致肺炎)



What Causes Pneumonia?

Pneumonia can be caused by:


  • Bacteria

  • Certain chemicals

  • Fungi

  • Mycoplasmas, which are like bacteria and give you milder symptoms (sometimes called “walking pneumonia”)

  • Viruses (the same ones that cause colds and the flu can also give you pneumonia)


As your body fights off the germs, your lungs’ air sacs swell and may fill with fluid or pus, much like your bronchial tubes swell and fill with mucus when you have bronchitis.






  • 喝大量的水。每天八到十二杯水可以使粘液稀釋,更容易咳出來。

  • 得到充足的休息。

  • 服用非處方止痛藥布洛芬AdvilMotrin),萘普生Aleve)或阿司匹林來緩解疼痛,但不要給孩子服用阿司匹林。您可以使用對乙酰氨基酚泰諾,普拿疼)來幫助止痛和退燒。

  • 室內使用加濕器(不要用除濕機,冷氣房放一杯水)或吸入蒸汽稀釋粘液熱水淋浴(吸入熱氣)也很有幫助。


Bronchitis Treatments

Most of the time, acute bronchitis goes away on its own within a couple of weeks. If it’s bacterial, your doctor may give you antibiotics. If you have asthmaallergies, or you’re wheezing, your doctor may suggest an inhaler.

It’s best to avoid cough medicine unless your cough keeps you awake at night. Bringing up mucus actually helps you because it clears the gunk out of your lungs. Avoid giving cough medicine to children younger than 4 years. For children 4 and older, check with your doctor first.

Here are some things you can do to ease your symptoms:


  • Drink a lot of water. Eight to 12 glasses a day help thin out your mucus and makes it easier to cough it up.

  • Get plenty of rest.

  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers with ibuprofen (AdvilMotrin), naproxen (Aleve), or aspirin to help with pain, but avoid giving aspirinto children. You can use acetaminophen (Tylenol) to help with pain and fever.

  • Use a humidifier or try steam to loosen up the mucus; a hot shower can work well.



·         如果是由細菌引起,你會得到一種抗生素。如果是由病毒引起的,你可能會得到一種抗病毒藥物。如果真的很嚴重,你可能需要去醫院,雖然這不常見。

·         為了緩解你的症狀,你可以做許多與支氣管炎相同的事情:


  • 喝大量的液體

  • 盡可能多地休息

  • 吃止痛藥,緩解疼痛和發燒




WebMD醫學參考 Neha Pathak,醫學博士126日,016

Pneumonia Treatments

If it’s caused by bacteria, you’ll get an antibiotic. If it’s caused by a virus, you may get an antiviral drug. And if it’s really severe, you may need to go to the hospital, though that’s not as common.

To help ease your symptoms, you can do many of the same things as with bronchitis:


  • Drink plenty of fluids

  • Get as much rest as you can

  • Take pain relievers for pain and fever


And again, it’s best to avoid cough medicines. In fact, there’s actually very little proof that they can help with the cough you get from pneumonia.

Pneumonia usually runs its course within a few weeks with treatment, but you may be tired for as long as a month.

WebMD Medical Reference Reviewed by Neha Pathak, MD on December 6/, 016

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